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Tobacco Harm Reduction Experts Come Together at Launch for Lives Saved Report

A newly released report has highlighted that the adoption of tobacco harm reduction (THR) strategies and enhanced treatment methods could potentially save 880,000 lives in Malaysia and Uzbekistan.

The findings of this report were unveiled earlier today with an online launch event that included international and report country-specific experts. During the webinar, Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Delon Human introduced and discussed the rationale, significance and main findings of the study and its recommended actions and next steps. Alongside this discussion, experts from Malaysia and Uzbekistan discussed the implications of this study in their particular context and the policy changes required to make these numbers a reality. These experts emphasized the urgent need for policy change to better support harm reduction efforts in their countries and shared insights that could benefit other regions globally.

Four key actions emerge from the findings of this report. First, the report prioritises activating health professionals, particularly physicians, to advocate for THR amongst their patients. Secondly, the report encourages risk-proportionate regulation and pushes for governments to do the same. Thirdly, it asks for the strengthening of consumer representation and, finally, it emphasizes the benefits of engaging religious leaders when appropriate.

More information about these actions and the journey to the number 880,000 can be found in the report here. 

You can also hear the experts speak during the launch event here.



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