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smoke-free nicotine alternatives

Due to the severe negative impacts of tobacco use on societal health, the global development of innovative strategies to address these consequences has become imperative. Regarding tobacco harm reduction, Sweden is the prime example of success. This report studies the “No Smoke, Less Harm” approach by reviewing the use of smoke-free alternatives containing nicotine in Sweden and how this has improved health outcomes for Swedish citizens.

Compared to the rest of Europe, Sweden has considerably reduced its tobacco-related disease rate and deaths caused by smoking. Additionally, Sweden boasts a 41% lower cancer rate than the European average. This lower cancer rate is attributed to the fact that only 5.6% of Swedish adults are smokers—a number that has decreased by 49% in less than 60 years. This has primarily been achieved through the increased use of safer, smokeless nicotine delivery mechanisms, which include snus, vapes, and oral nicotine pouches. 

This report sets the scene for discussing how Sweden’s public health strategies and regulatory frameworks have built a healthier society. It details evidence and provides case studies that support the argument that Sweden’s approach to nicotine use and tobacco harm reduction is effective and beneficial. It concludes that the rest of the world can learn much from this Scandinavian success story.

Watch the full report launch event.


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